Interview with a Robotics Engineer

Robotics technology has exploded in growth and applications over the past few decades. Once mostly relegated to factory assembly lines, robots now have infiltrated many aspects of modern life. From robotic vacuum cleaners in homes to highly precise surgical bots in the operating room, robots are becoming more integrated and useful across industries.

With this rapid growth, demand has also greatly increased for skilled professionals who can design, build, and program robots and autonomous systems. One such professional is John Smith, a robotics engineer with over 15 years of experience leading teams to build robotics solutions for manufacturing, healthcare, and defense sectors.

John got his start in robotics as a student, joining his university’s robotics engineering team to compete in national competitions. This hands-on experience cemented his passion for designing and optimizing robotic systems using leading-edge technologies. For the past 5 years, John has worked for Robotics Inc., serving as project manager and lead engineer on their most advanced R&D initiatives. His deep expertise in control theory, computer vision, machine learning, and mechanical design makes him a highly valued contributor.

Beginning the Robotics Journey

John’s fascination with robotics started early, when he received his first programmable Lego Mindstorms kit as a middle school student. He shares:

“Building and programming those first simple robots really sparked my interest in the field. I loved the challenge of using code to make the robot move and perform actions autonomously.”

In high school, John excelled in science and math courses, especially physics, calculus, and computer science. He also joined the school’s robotics club, gaining valuable hands-on experience in designing, wiring, and coding robots for competitions.

College Learning Paths

At the university level, John pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Robotics Engineering which provided specialized coursework including:

  • Robot mechanics – motors, sensors, power systems
  • Embedded systems programming
  • Control systems theory
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Computer vision and navigation
  • Mechanical design principles
  • Technical writing and presentation

He highlights control theory and AI/machine learning as the most useful courses for his career today.

Key Skills and Attributes

According to John, these are the most important skills and attributes for a robotics engineer:


  • Programming proficiency (Python, C++, etc.)
  • Math and analytical abilities
  • Understanding of electronics and mechanics
  • Ability to troubleshoot and problem solve

Soft Skills

  • Communication and teamwork
  • Creativity and curiosity
  • Organizational skills
  • Attention to detail

Robotics Engineer Job Role

As a robotics engineer at Robotics Inc., John’s responsibilities span a wide range of areas:

Day-to-Day Work

  • Collaborating with engineering teams to design robot prototypes and systems
  • Performing calculations and simulations to test designs
  • Developing control algorithms and programming robot software/firmware
  • Conducting experiments and testing on robot hardware
  • Analyzing data and iterating on designs
  • Documenting design details in specifications and technical reports

Projects and Tasks

Some of the major projects John has contributed to include:

  • Leading design of a warehouse fulfillment robot to work safely alongside humans
  • Developing computer vision and machine learning solutions for autonomous mobile robots
  • Creating a robotic surgical assistant capable of delicate, precision movements
  • Improving grasping and object manipulation for industrial robotic arms

John finds the problem-solving aspects most rewarding, as well as seeing robots deployed successfully in the real world. The most challenging parts are ensuring safety and robustness when translating theoretical designs into unpredictable physical environments.

Hot Topics and Future Outlook

Some of the most exciting growth areas John sees in robotics right now include:

  • Collaboration robots (cobots) for manufacturing and offices
  • Self-driving vehicles for transport and delivery
  • Surgical robots and assistive devices for healthcare
  • Service robots for the home and hospitality
  • Environmental monitoring and inspection drones

Looking forward, John believes cloud robotics, improved human-robot interaction, and further AI/ML advancements will open even more applications for robotics. He emphasizes that creativity and constantly learning new technologies are key for any robotics engineer to stay competitive in this dynamically evolving field.

Pursuing a Career in Robotics

For students and others interested in breaking into the field of robotics engineering, John highlights several pieces of advice:

  • Gain hands-on experience – Join robotics clubs, compete in challenges/hackathons, or pursue personal projects to learn practical skills. These will complement your academics.
  • Develop programming expertise – Take computer science and coding classes early on. Python and C++ are most common for robotics.
  • Understand the fundamentals – Develop a strong foundation in math, physics, mechanical/electrical engineering, control systems, and other core STEM areas.
  • Get internship experience – Complete internships at robotics companies during college to gain professional experience and make connections.
  • Build a portfolio – Document and showcase your projects and robot-building skills on a website or engineering portfolio.
  • Stay curious – Read papers and articles to stay on top of robotics advances. Continuing education is a must in this rapidly changing field.
  • Work collaboratively – You will work on interdisciplinary teams. Communication, collaboration, and teamwork skills are vital.

John is extremely excited about the future and endless possibilities in robotics. He encourages all students with a passion for engineering to consider specializing in this dynamic, fast-growing field.